Afghani x Skunk #1
Hybrid Sativa
THC 20%
500g m/2
Flower Time- 9 Weeks
Hailing from legendary strains Afghani and Skunk #1, has led this indica hybrid into the hearts and homes of many growers. A robust 17-20% THC content with under 1% CBD will never be mistaken for a super mild bud. The large yields of 400-500g/m2 and 500-600g per plant have been impressing growers and smokers for decades. With a flowering time of only 8-10 weeks, it can provide a never-ending supply of delicious nugs. The terpene limonene brings citrus flavors and healing benefits to the strain. A nose-tingling bite is thanks to the mother of terpenes a-myrcene. Depression and stress will be running for the hills after just a few tokes of this iconic plant.
Wellness Benefits- Anxiety, Insomnia, Lack of Appetite, Stress.
Effects- Creative, Euphoric, Happiness.
Aroma & Flavors- Earthy, Pungent, Skunk.
Terpenes- b-Humulene, a-Pinene
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$10.00 Regular Price
$5.00Sale Price
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